
Jenifer 的技術筆記

本身英文基礎:2018 年 6 月,雅思平均 6.5 (L6/R8/W6/S6)。

時隔三年,因為希望可以拿到四個 8,獲得澳洲移民分數 20 分的加分,再加上英文能力不是頂尖,總覺得口說、聽力雅思無法拿到 8 (實力很重要外,也太看考官),於是在聽到好多人拼 PTE 拿到想要的分數後,決定轉戰 PTE。(如果還不清楚 PTE 是什麼英文考試,請看PTE新手入门课系列)

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SQL stands for Structured Query Language, as it is the special purpose domain-specific language for querying data in Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc. use SQL for querying with slight syntax differences.

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To understand OUTER APPLY in MS SQL Server with extensive list of examples, I create two simple tables with sample data as the followings. The script of creating the tables is here.

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To understand CROSS APPLY in MS SQL Server with extensive list of examples, I create two simple tables with sample data as the followings. The script of creating the tables is here.

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