PTE 3戰8炸備考心得和攻略
本身英文基礎:2018 年 6 月,雅思平均 6.5 (L6/R8/W6/S6)。
時隔三年,因為希望可以拿到四個 8,獲得澳洲移民分數 20 分的加分,再加上英文能力不是頂尖,總覺得口說、聽力雅思無法拿到 8 (實力很重要外,也太看考官),於是在聽到好多人拼 PTE 拿到想要的分數後,決定轉戰 PTE。(如果還不清楚 PTE 是什麼英文考試,請看PTE新手入门课系列)
PTE 官方關於與雅思分數的轉換,要拿到 84 分才算是雅思 8 分。
可是!澳洲移民局目前的網站上只要有 79 分就等同於雅思 8 分囉!
截至 2023 三月,報名費用含稅 $410 澳幣。
看到平均分數 87 分的那一刻,我真的是不敢置信,再看到每個項目都超過 79 時,心裏完全沒有真實感,一直不斷問自己是真的嗎?一直重複打開手機確認成績,總覺得下一秒成績就會不一樣,直到一個多小時過去,重複看了成績七、八次之後,才意識到自己真的跟 PTE 順利分手了,當場在奶茶店哭出來。PTE 真的是努力就有回報的。
在談準備方式之前,我也想講一下如何堅持,準備考試是漫長而艱辛的,特別是只能利用下班時間和週末,必須抱著背水一戰的信念,除了告訴我自己,「你希望五年後的你跟現在一模一樣嗎?」。這段期間,我還會一直去看跟星座運勢相關的影片 (我以前完全不信這個),同時選擇聽取正向積極的運勢預言,給自己心理暗示,相信自己絕對會考到自己想要的目標。另一方面,心理健康也很重要,切莫給自己太大壓力,導致心理生病喔!
我一開始是聽從朋友的推薦,使用螢火蟲網站和 app 刷題,聽說他們的預測滿準的,尤其是 WFD,當時是 2021,可是很快就因為諸多因素,暫時停止學習,後來 2022 年七月,終於死到臨頭 (簽證快到期了),趕緊重拾螢火蟲的真題題庫!我另外還有用猩際的 app 練習 RS (他們的網站、app 做得很棒!點讚!)。
我給自己三個月的時間準備,預計把所有重要題型的高頻全部刷完,當時不太懂各個題型的技巧和重要性,沒有按照佔分比例去安排時間,這是我的失誤,但是我確確實實地把螢火蟲每個重要題型的高頻都練習完。除了 RA,因為時間上來不及,我也覺得我發音還行,就忽略它了。WE 一開始不知道可以背模板,刷了一半的題目,後面就直接背模板了。其他題型稍微熟悉一下即可。
- 口說 - RS 134 + DI 49 + RL 30 + ASQ 83
- 閱讀 - FIB 拖拽 60 + FIB 下拉 127 + RO 58
- 寫作 - SWT 45 + WE 15/30
- 聽力 - FIB (listening) 15 + WFD 206 + SST 74
我有依照佔分比例去安排時間,並且這次把所有 RS 真題刷完,再加上一個秘密武器:錯誤小本本!會寫上去的主要是:RS、ASQ、FIB 下拉、FIB 拖拽、SST、WFD。
用途是,當我刷第二次或第三次題目,發現有重複錯誤的,我會在上頭標記 * 星號或是用筆畫重點,考前不用等網頁或 app loading (等待讓我焦躁),直接翻閱複習即可。其中以 SST、WFD 更為重要,用黃色螢光筆標示出是什麼字母拼錯。有時候我會複習小本本上的錯誤,再刷題,會更加強記憶。
因為覺得一定有我沒注意到的盲點,才會分數無法提高,因此我找了螢火蟲一對一,感謝老師的提點和幫助,提醒我 RA 的不足之處,並且著重在 RA、RS的練習,畢竟,這直接關係到能否考過!並且把 FIB 下拉真題全部刷完了 (原本打算 FIB 拖拽也要刷完,但是時間真的不夠。結果沒刷完也過了!開心!灑花!)
FIB 下拉、拖拽
我一開始從比較拿手的 FIB 開始,現在看來有點花太多時間在精讀 FIB 下拉、拖拽每一篇的各個詞彙、固定搭配、文法、句子結構、文章背景,如果你的基礎不好,也許這可以幫助提升基礎能力,但是如果基礎不錯的人,這就對英文能力沒什麼幫助,只能加強對全篇文章的記憶,因為 FIB 的文章內容真的太奇怪了。
我會把錯誤的選項寫在小本本上,可能是只寫單字,也可能寫一小段話。EX: the sounds which [make up] the words [組成]單字的聲音。
SST (50-70個字)
因為我的聽力不好,所以我在第一次考試前,就盡全力把所有的螢火蟲答案背下來了,主要是背關鍵字,然後去回憶該句子。但是第二、三次考前,真的沒時間,我在「第一次考前,全部背過、練習過的」基礎上,直接複習螢火蟲完美答案,重點是把錯誤小本本拼寫錯誤的部分熟記!熟記!熟記!才不會像我在第一次考試滑鐵盧,artificial 拼成 artifitial (AI 那題),懊悔不已!
我個人是習慣專注複習某個題型,因此我沒有天天都固定練習 WFD。我是用首字母記憶法,加上多練習記住該句子,第一次考試前,幾乎每天通勤時都播放 WFD mp3,但是只花五天真的聽打練習。
從第一次考試後,主要都是每週螢火蟲高頻更新,我就只練習這幾題,然後集中到考前兩天,集中把 WFD 練習聽打 2 ~ 3 次。刷完第一遍,用錯誤小本本記住錯誤的部分。再刷第二遍,把錯誤的題目記起來,這時應該只有 20 ~ 30 題錯誤。第三遍只刷錯誤的題目。認真記住錯過的單字並且不要再犯。
WE (200-300個字)
套模板。邏輯不重要,所有的關鍵字直接從題目擷取改編即可,但是記得活用模板。如果題目說要舉例,For example 和 For instance 要寫出來。如果題目要求寫優缺點,要寫到 advantages/benefits/strengths 和 disadvantages/drawbacks/demerits。
In recent years, whether (主題句) has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the attention of the public. Some people insist that (某觀點), and I approve of this viewpoint for individual and social reasons.
First and foremost, it has been argued that the individual reason is why I think (某觀點). Although (另一觀點) must have to be taken into account, I still reckon that (某觀點). This is because (關鍵詞) can bring (benefits/demerits) to people’s lives. For example, a well-known American scientist once said that (關鍵詞) can make our lives (less/more) efficient.
Furthermore, another factor that should be considered is social reasons, which in other words, (某觀點可以如何如何). As far as government is concerned, the ultimate goal of governments is to maintain and promote the well-being of society, so (某觀點/關鍵詞) (play/plays) an important role in our whole society. For instance, recent research published in The Economist revealed that more than half of people think governments should (什麼作為/value the importance of 關鍵詞) and provide more financial support.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that (某觀點). To address this issue, individuals and society should make a concerted effort.
我以我最後一次考試遇到的題目,來舉例如何使用可以寫作 9 炸:
With the increase of digital media (當天考 digital media 換成 information,但是反正一樣。) available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities should only procure new digital media rather than constantly update textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this position and give your own point of view.
In recent years, whether universities should only procure new digital media rather than update textbooks has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the attention of the public. Some people insist that universities shouldn’t update textbooks, and I approve of this viewpoint for individual and social reasons.
First and foremost, it has been argued that the individual reason is why I think procuring new digital media is a better choice. Although the demerits of it must have to be taken into account, I still reckon that universities should only procure and buy new digital media. This is because the role of the library has become obsolete with the increase of digital media online can bring benefits to people’s lives. For example, a well-known American scientist once said that the increase in digital media available online can make our lives more efficient.
Furthermore, another factor that should be considered is social reasons, which in other words, it can reduce the decline in a forest size and the volume of trees. As far as universities is concerned, the ultimate goal of universities is to maintain and promote the well-being of society, so buying new digital media plays an important role in our whole society. For instance, recent research published in The Economist revealed that more than half of people think universities should value the importance of digital media online.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that the strengths of procuring new digital media outweigh its demerits. To address this issue, individuals and society should make a concerted effort.
SWT (5-75個字)
用 google 翻譯直接看懂全文,練習找中文重點句,對應英文重點句,大概記一下內容,讓自己考試時不要慌即可。
Line, Bar, Pie 模板
The following picture shows the information about 標題, (from xx年 to xx年), which includes 項目 and 項目. (類別、單位等)
If you look at the picture, the largest number can be found in X, which is around Y (and Z).
You also can see X, which is around Y (and Z).
If you look at the picture, the lowest number can be found in X, which is around Y (and Z).
… (還有時間的話,重複)
In conclusion, this is an informative/interesting picture about 標題.
Flow, Map, Floor plan (平面圖), Picture 模板
The following picture shows the information about 標題, which includes 4 categories. (數字隨便,反正邏輯不重要)
If you look at the picture, the whole process start from X, which is around Y.
If you go to the next stage, which is called X, which is around Y.
If you go to the next stage, which is called X, which is around Y.
If you go to the next stage, which is called X, which is around Y.
… (還有時間的話,重複)
In conclusion, this is an informative/interesting picture about 標題.
The lecture is talking about 標題.
In the first part of the speech, (換氣) the speaker mentioned something about A and B.
In the next part of the speech, (換氣) the speaker mentioned something about C and D.
In the next part of the speech, (換氣) the speaker mentioned something about E and F.
In the next part of the speech, (換氣) the speaker mentioned something about G and H.
In conclusion, this lecture is talking about 標題.
上了一對一,感謝老師的提點:不要壓低聲音發音 (我推測我低頭也是一個原因),下巴抬起來,讓氣流暢的出來,提高自己的聲音頻率,斷句不要停頓太久,雖然不用到很趕地唸得超快,但是也要稍稍加快語速。
我如果練習全篇,一般會讓自己練習到比螢火蟲高分示範的時間多兩秒,假設老師念 18 秒,我容許自己念 18 ~ 20秒。如果老師的高分示範本來就不快,就沒有這個容許值。
練習一句話,我一般會唸大概 6 ~ 8 秒,依照句子的長度有所不同。
練習完螢火蟲全部真題,再用 youtube 上的資源練習,主要練習臨場反應能力,如果有印度口音、背景雜音、跟一般練習真題的句式不同,很像是要考 RL、SST 的音頻,我會跳過,不用為難自己,三次考試下來,RS 基本上都還是正常的口音。
如果想要熟悉考試流程,和實測自己的落點分數,可以去 PTE 的官網買模擬考 ($ 36 澳幣),模擬考的時間大致和真實考試一樣,我依稀記得是考寫作的「計時方式」不同,模擬考好像沒有另外單獨計時,除此之外,評分方式是用和真實考試完全相同的評分方式喔!這點就大勝坊間所有 app 的口說、寫作的評分方式,要知道所有坊間的評分方式都是個機構自己的評分方式,只能參考,實際上完全不準。我常在猩際的留言區看到大家糾結評分很低,其實完全不需要。
多多善用螢火蟲的官方微信,它有提供很多備考資訊,點進「朋友圈」,就會看到每週高頻預測 (週四更新)、教研報告、三分鐘課堂、不同人順利出坑的備考方式和心得等等。